Referral Form

Referral Agency Details

I agree that the information contained in this referral / initial assessment form is true and accurate and I consent to it being used as part of the assessment process.
By Signing below, I agree that all information provided is true and accurate. I also understand that Goddess Living Supported Housing has the right to close my housing application should I provide any information which is incorrect or false. Should it be discovered that I have secured a tenancy with false information, I may be liable to be served with a Section 8 notice.
Information Sharing
I understand that Goddess Living Supported Housing may carry out additional checks on the information I have provided by contacting other agencies (for example : mental health services/probation officer/police services) . Please state if you give permission for information to be shared with relevant agencies to inform accurate assessment of housing needs and risk.
Applicant Details
Financial information
Offending History
Please note – Declaration of criminal offence(s) does not necessarily mean that you will be excluded from applying for accommodation with Goddess Living Supported Housing .
Housing History
3 years housing history required
Medical information
Substance misuse
Support Needs
Reasons for requiring supported accommodation
Risk Assessment
Please provide information below (or send a current risk assessment)
Risk Guidance : Low risk – No evidence of behaviours related to risk. Medium Risk – Evidence of behaviours linked to risk but is engaging with support to address this. High Risk – Regular engagement with behaviours linked to risk and is not engaging with support to address this.
Does the applicant have history of the following risks?
Violent or aggressive behaviour
Self-Harm / Suicide attempts
Mental health
Drug/ Alcohol misuse
Medication: Non-compliance with prescribed medication
Child protection issues? Schedule one offences?
Sexual offending? Please include details of who the risk is posed to (e.g Adult male/female/children)
Any other criminal offences/ Convictions? Include risk to Staff/ Tenants/ General public
Risk of self neglect / Self Care
Anti Social behaviour
Damage to property
Arson/ Firearms offences
Rent arrears / Managing finances
Should any additional precautions be taken into account when interviewing the applicant?
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